When we started the business back in 2013 from our local farmers market, we made these chocolate biscuit cakes which quickly had what I can only describe as a cult following with the same people snapping them up every week. At the time I was making these in my kitchen at home and I couldn’t keep up with the demand. It’s safe to say they are the best chocolate biscuit cakes you will ever eat. There’s a bit of work involved in making the gluten free digestive biscuit mix but it’s worth it. I make big quantities of it and then freeze quantities of it, taking out what I need from time to time to make up the chocolate biscuit cake. For anyone who feels that gluten free cakes or desserts are bland, try this. For every family occasion I bring these along for the coeliac members of the family and they hardly get a look in with all the rest looking for some.

Biscuit crumb:

300g brown rice flour
50g tapioca starch
50g milled linseed
1 teaspoon baking powder
100g caster sugar
100g butter
2 dessertspoons honey (20ml)
6 dessertspoons water (60ml)

Biscuit_crumbBiscuit cake:
(mix with biscuit crumb)

170g butter
8 tablespoons golden syrup
115g raisins/cranberries
4 large tablespoons cocoa powder
*200g chocolate to be melted and spread on top *


Biscuit crumb

  • Preheat the oven to 150°C
  • Weigh out all of the ingredients
  • Place all of the ingredients in a food processor and mix until combined
  • Spread the mixture onto a tray and bake in the oven for 40 minutes, stirring 2-3 times

Biscuit cake

  • Melt the butter and the golden syrup in a pan over a low heat, allow the mixture to bubble slightly.
  • Add in the cocoa powder and the fruit and stir until combined.
  • Add in the biscuit crumb and stir until all of the crumb is coated.
  • Place the mixture in a tin, and firmly press, Allow to set in the fridge.
  • In the meantime melt 200g of chocolate over a pan of water.
  • Pour the melted chocolate evenly over the crumb mixture in the fridge and allow to set.
Chocolate Biscuit Cake Recipe

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