White Chocolate Granola Clusters

These little clusters remind me of the rice crispie buns my mum used to make for my birthday parties when I was small. Instead of the rice crispies I have used gluten free granola, and any flavour will work with the white chocolate. Really handy to have a tupperware box of them in the fridge or freezer, they will keep very well and handy for the kids next time they want a gluten free treat or you want something nice to go with a cuppa.


225g white chocolate
225g Cashew, Almond & Cinnamon Granola



  • Break the white chocolate into small pieces. Put the chocolate into a heatproof bowl over a saucepan of hot water on a low heat. Do not allow the water to touch the base of the bowl or the chocolate may become too hot.
  • Alternatively put the chocolate in a microwave proof container and heat it on Medium for 3 minutes. Stir the melted chocolate until it is smooth and glossy.
  • Put the granola in a large bowl, pour on the chocolate and stir well.
  • Using a teaspoon, spoon the mixture into paper cases and leave to set.


White Chocolate Granola Clusters

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